Rutland County: 802.775.8220 / Addison County: 802.388.7044
  • RSVP & The Volunteer Center

    An Invitation To Serve Program


RSVP & The Volunteer Center

RSVP and The Volunteer Center is an “Invitation to Serve” program for people of all ages who want to make a difference, get involved and enjoy the
experience of volunteering. We serve individuals and organizations in Rutland and Addison Counties!

Green Mountain Foster Grandparent Program

The Green Mountain Foster Grandparent Program helps children in the community develop academic and life skills that are critical to their development
and future successes. The program provides a way for volunteers age 55 and over to stay active by serving children and youth in Bennington, Rutland, and Addison Counties.

Foster Grandparent Program

The Green Mountain Foster Grandparent Program
is a federally funded program that has
successfully placed thousands of
older adults in schools nationwide.


RSVP Signature Programs

RSVP is an “Invitation to Serve” program which offers individuals,
age 55 and up, the opportunity to share their experience, skills
and time by volunteering for local non-profit organizations.



RSVP & The Volunteer Center provide individuals with a variety of interesting and diverse volunteer opportunities available throughout Rutland and Addison Counties.



Working with good people

What I most enjoy about being a volunteer driver is knowing I am doing something meaningful to help. They (clients) may not have another way. I enjoy our chats while we ride, and the smiles and thanks are worth it all.
-RSVP Volunteer Driver

Being a Foster Grandparent means I am with peers again, I'm needed, and it connects me to the community. It is a very gratifying feeling to be able to help children learn and to be better human beings.
-Green Mountain Foster Grandparent

I am more active and look forward to getting out of the house and meeting the Bone Builders group. I see how everyone is getting along. I am trying to make exercising less work, not as much effort, easier, but still fun. The camaraderie, laughter, etc. You are doing good work and we appreciate it. Thank you.
-Bone Builders Participant

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