Rutland County: 802.468.7056 / Addison County: 802.388.7044

About RSVP of Rutland & Addison Counties

RSVP is an “Invitation to Serve” program which offers individuals, age 55 and up, the opportunity to share their experience, skills and time by volunteering for local non-profit organizations.  Rutland and Addison Counties non-profits’ needs are met in critical areas such as human services, elder care, health and education.

Nationally, RSVP began in 1971 as part of the Older American’s Act.  Today, RSVP is part of Americorps Seniors, which consists of RSVP, the Foster Grandparent Program, and the Senior Companion Program.  Americorps provides federal dollars, policy guidelines, and regulations.  There are over 1350 Americorps Seniors programs throughout the United States with over 500,000 volunteers.

Locally, RSVP & The Volunteer Center is part of the Community Care Network’s Rutland Community Programs, our sponsor for over 30 years.  RSVP/VC is a well established volunteer program with over 35 years of successful volunteer management and a strong collaborative partnership with over 150 non profit organizations in the 2 county region we serve.

Rutland County

In Rutland County RSVP & The Volunteer Center serves people of all ages who want to make a difference, get involved and enjoy the experience of volunteering.  We serve individuals and organizations in Rutland County.  RSVP Signature Programs in Rutland County include Bone Builders, RSVP Veterans Connections Program, RSVP Operation Dolls & More, and  RSVP Rutland County Reads & RSVP After School Buddies.

Addison County

In Addison County RSVP recruits, places, and supports volunteers age 55 and up, providing them with meaningful opportunities to contribute to their community.  We serve individuals and organizations in Addison County.  RSVP Signature Programs in Addison County include Bone Builders, the Tax Assistance Program, and the Warm Hearts Warm Hands Initiative.

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